Drop Off & Dismissal

Arrival Procedures:

  • Instructional hours are 9:15 A.M. to 3:55 P.M. Students are tardy at 9:15 A.M. After 9:15 A.M., parents must park and bring their child in to the front office.

  • Students should not be on campus prior to 8:55 A.M.

  • Doors open at 8:55 AM for breakfast. Students will NOT be admitted to breakfast after 9:10 A.M. (unless they arrive on a bus that is late).

  • Students are to be dropped off in the car loop drop off zones.  Dropping students off in the parking lot or on Elgin Blvd is not permitted.


  • Dismissal begins at 3:55 P.M. and ends promptly at 4:25 P.M. ALL children must be picked up by 4:25 P.M

  • Early Pick Ups: (before 3:25 P.M.)

    • Parents must park and come into the office with photo ID.

    • Children will only be released to those listed on the Emergency Information Form.  Emergency contacts can be updated on Skyward Family Access Link.

    • Students will not be released to parents from the office AFTER 3:25 P.M. - PARENTS MUST GET IN THE PICK-UP LINE.

  • Bus riders: School Board Policy Manual po8600 requires parents to be present at the bus stop to meet K-2 students or designate an adult or older sibling on the bus registration card. If the person designated is an older sibling, parents must send in a notarized letter authorizing this action to the bus driver.

  • YMCA: Upon availablity, this program is available for students requiring before and/or after school care.

    • Located in the cafeteria. Drop off starts at 6:30 A.M. Pick Up by 6:00 P.M.

    • Contact Information: p: 352.686.9622 or  e: ymcasuncoast.org

    • Dismissal from YMCA starts no earlier than 4:30 P.M.  If you need to pick up your child earlier than that, please request them to be a car loop pick up for the day.

  • Car Loop PICK-UP Line Loading Locations:

    • Kindergarten - 3rd Grade - Back Car Loop

      • Students in Grades 4th - 8th will report with younger siblings to the back car loop)

    • 4th - 8th Grade Front Car Loop

    • Parents will NOT be permitted to park and walk up to the school to drop off or pick up a child unless students are tardy or picked up early for extenuating circumstances

  • Elementary parents must send a note when there is a change in dismissal. In an emergency situation, parents must contact the office prior to 2:45 p.m. to change dismissal instructions.

Thank you in advance for adhering to drop off and pick up procedures to ensure the safety of our students!