Deltona Elementary Facts

Deltona Elementary School opened in 1990 with 499 students.

Our current school enrollment is 870 students. Below, are the numbers in each grade that we serve.

  • Pre-K - 52            
  • Kindergarten – 120
  • First grade – 156
  • Second – 147
  • Third – 114
  • Fourth – 129
  • Fifth – 152

The school’s highest enrollment was during the 2005-06 school year with 1,037 students.

There have been five principals at the school: Janet Dunleavy, Beverly Chapin, Betty Harper, Debi Shellabarger and our current principal, Julie Sweeney

Deltona Pride is strong. Students and staff begin each day with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by our school’s pledge to be respectful, responsible, prepared and AWESOME.

We believe all students will achieve at high levels!

Along with or principal and assistant principal, we have 63 teachers, 1 guidance counselor, 32 paraprofessionals, 7 environmental staff and 4 support staff.  We currently have 23 teachers with master’s degrees and one paraprofessional who has his doctorate. Some of our teachers have Master’s Degrees in Educational Leadership, Master’s Degrees Behavioral Education,  VEX Robotics Certification, NearPod Educator Certification and Promethean Education Certification. Fourteen of our teachers are CPI trained. One of our kindergarten teachers was in the Navy as a Petty Officer 3rd class for 4 years and did a world tour in 2005 starting in San Diego CA and ending in Norfolk, VA. We also have one teacher who has been here since the day the school opened!

Some of the clubs that are held at the school are the STEM Program, Robotics Club, Before and After School Computer Club, Run Club, Poetry Café and the Musical Doves.  Our Musical Doves have performed at various locations in our county.

During the COVID lockdown in 2020-2021, we were featured on all local news channels for our “Drive Up Warm Ups” presented by our PE department to serve our Covid 19 digital learning. Mrs. Shellabarger challenged the teachers to get creative with the students since they were all at home doing Digital Learning. Our PE teacher came up with the Drive-by-warm-ups. Coach Helfand, Coach Fonscea, Mrs. Revis and Mr. Benckert would drive house to house for a short workout with the students in their driveways. Coach Helfand said it was a good way for the kids active and receiving physical education.