Attendance Policy

     School attendance is the direct responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) and students. [Florida Statute 1003.24]; [School Board Policy 5200] Except as provided in Florida Statute 1003.24, and State Board of Educator Rule 6A-1.09513, all students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes in order to benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline and responsibility. [Florida Statute 1003.24]; [School Board Policy 5200]

     When the student is absent, it is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school with the reason for the absence. The student is responsible for completing all work assignments that were missed during their absence.

     Poor academic performance is generally associated with non-attendance and school and school districts must take an active role in promoting and enforcing attendance as a means of improving student performance. It is the policy of the state that each district school superintendent be responsible for enforcing school attendance of all students
subject to the compulsory school age in the school district (Florida Statute 1003.26): The following applies to all students:

      1. Tardies - Punctuality is necessary for a student to take full advantage of available educational opportunities. If a student is not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, he/she will be classified as tardy. A tardy to school will become an absence if more that 50% of the school day is missed. A parent(s)/guardian(s) request for early release will be an unexcused absence unless the release is for verified medical, dental treatment or other reasons defined for excused absence by the School Board.

      2. Unexcused Absences - Parent(s)/guardian(s) can excuse up to five (5) days per semester (half a year) by providing a written and signed note(s) with reason of absence within three (3) days of the student's return to class. This shall also include prearranged absences. Extenuating circumstances may be addressed with the administration. The following absences are excused:

a) Personal Illness
b) Death in the Family- No more than three (3) days are excused
c) Doctor/Dentist Appointment - verified with a doctor/dentist note
d) Religious Holidays
e) Trips/Vacation: Must be pre-arranged and approved by the principal's office, except in cases of emergencies with proof of said emergencies. The principal or designee shall make final determination and have the authority to limit the number of days for such absences based on student's grades, prior attendance and the dates of the proposed trip/vacation. **Pre-arranged excused absences will not be approved during district and statewide assessments**
f) School Sponsored Activities: Must be pre-arranged and approved by the principal's office.
g) Court Appearance by Subpoena
h) Pediculosis: When a student is discovered to have lice or nits, the first three (3) days the student is excused. A student may be excused for lice/nits for no more than nine (9) days in any school year.

     3. Unexcused Absences - Unexcused absences shall mean any absence that Is not explained by a written and signed note from the parent(s)/guardian(s) citing one of the criteria for excused absence. If requested by school officials, a physician's note explaining the absence may be required. Absences without a parent(s)/guardian(s) note are unexcused. All absences shall be recorded as an unexcused absence until proper documentation is received to change the absence to an excused absence within three (3) days of returning to school.

For more information on attendance policies, please refer to the student handbook.