Dress Code Policy

The following procedures are established to promote discipline, maintain orderand provide a healthy environment conducive to academic purposes. Students are required to wear appropriate clothing and shoes according to the situation and the gradelevel involved. Inappropriate clothing and appearance are disruptive to the school program. Principals will enforce adherence to the dress code by those under their jurisdiction. School administrators havefinal authority to decide if clothing complies with district rules.

Sun Protective Wear

Students will be allowed to wear sunglasses, hats or other sun protectiveitems while outdoors during and engaged in school related activities such as physical education orrecess. No hats or sunglasses (unless prescribed by a physician) are to be worn in the schoolbuilding or hallways.


Pants are to be worn at the waist, not below the waist or in such a way to exposeundergarments or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner or in a manner that disrupts theorderly learning environment. Short shorts, boxer shorts, pajamas, see through items and otherbedroom attire are not allowed. Spandex pants, leggings, or pants with rips may only be wornwith a top that reaches mid-thigh or below as not expose undergarments or body parts in anindecent manner.

Shirts and Blouses

Must be long enough to remain tucked in at all times with no skin visible.Blouses with a neckline that dip below the line formed between the right and left armpit areprohibited. Spaghetti straps, tank tops, muscle shirts, and shirts with cut off sleeves are alsoprohibited.

Shorts, Skirts, and Dresses

To determine if shorts are too short: while student is standing witharms fully extended at side of his/her leg, shorts should reach to the student’s fingertips. In other words, the longest finger should touch material, not skin. Students may wear skirts and dresses ofa modest length of no more than three inches from the knee to the bottom on the hem. Dresseswith a neckline that dip below the line formed between the left and right armpit are prohibited.

Unacceptable Attire

Any apparel that is determined inappropriate, disruptive to theeducational environment, or offensive to good taste by principal or designee of the school suchas; jewelry, tattoos, or markings must be covered, accessories or manner of grooming, which byvirtue of color arrangement, trade mark, or other attributes that denotes membership in a gang,advocates drugs, tobacco products, alcohol, violence, sexual innuendo, profanity, or has causeddisruption is prohibited.

  1. Jewelry should be worn in such a way that doesn’t present a safety or health hazardsuch as spiked jewelry or accessories
  2. Wallet chains and dog chains are not permitted
  3. Bandanas are not to be worn, displayed, or carried onto campus.


Students must wear shoes that are safe and appropriate for the specific learning environment.