Our History


The Endeavor Academy, formerly known as STAR, has been serving as the county's alternative school for at-risk students for decades. It provides students a structured setting where they can focus on both their academic and behavioral goals. Using the online platform Edgenuity, in conjunction with the support of certified teachers, students are able to recover past credits as well as progress towards their high school diploma. Students are able to earn "points" on a daily basis and work towards the opportunity of returning to their zoned schools. 

Discovery Middle

Discovery Academy was created in 2015 to assist overage middle school students. The students take a mixture of online credit recovery and high school freshmen courses, including English 1, Algebra 1A/1B, World History, Environmental Science, and others to satisfy their middle school requirements while also earning credits for high school. The benefit of having this academy is to assist students in catching them up to the original cohort they entered elementary school with. Discovery's target population is any middle school student age sixteen or younger with a minimum of one year in middle school, and retained at least one full school year. 

Discovery High

Discovery High School was added in 2017, assisting sixteen and seventeen year old students who are in danger of not graduating. These students work at an accelerated pace on recovering classes they need to graduate, and are then transferred back to their assigned high school to continue their education and/or graduate on-time.

Discovery Elementary

Discovery Elementary was created in 2019, with a focus on supporting fourth and fifth grade students who are one or two years behind their cohort. Students are assigned to either a 4th and 5th grade track, or a 5th and 6th grade track to be completed within one academic year. 

Students interested in attending Discovery must submit an application through their current school.