Memo: HCSD partners with ParentSquare

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The Hernando School District announces ParentSquare as the new school-to-home communication platform and mobile app. Following legislation directing school districts to discontinue the use of any online tool that does not protect student information, HCSD vetted other platforms in search of a communication tool that could ensure security and serve teachers and staff who have come to value mobile tools to enhance communication with parents.

ParentSquare is a robust, 2-way communication option that allows school staff and parents to send and receive relevant information or updates from a mobile app or desktop. The mobile app version of ParentSquare functions much like a "feed" in social media with posts stacking in real time, while the desktop version looks much like traditional email.

Starting September 1st, parents will receive an invitation from ParentSquare to activate their account. From there, it is only a few clicks before your account is activated and during activation, parents will be able to choose the methods they wish to use for notifications from the school. ParentSquare will send activation invitations to the first two individuals associated with the student in Skyward. If you do not receive an invitation, check your contact information in Skyward.

Parents are reminded that important information will continue to be sent through your student's Skyward portal and it is vital for parents to access Skyward regularly to stay up to date on timely matters.