Electronic Device Policy

Electronic Device Policy:
  • Teachers may give explicit permission for classroom use of electronic devices under direct supervision of a staff member
  • Refusal to follow the electronic device policy and procedures is considered gross insubordination (Level II offense). Students who refuse to put away their electronic devices when asked will automatically earn an ODR and at least (1) day OSS. (Call Coach Bailey at ext. 266 for student to be removed, if student refuses to put their electronic device away when asked to do so)
  • All Hernando County School Board Policies regarding electronic devices will be followed. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct for further information.
Procedures for Violation of Electronic Device:
1st Step/Offense:  Verbal Warning - Call/email Coach Bailey at ext. 266 
2nd Step/Offense:  Loss of Electronic Device for the day - Call/email Coach Bailey at ext. 266 to pick-up device.  *Student can pick-up their electronic devices at the end of the day.
3rd Step/Offense:  Call/email Coach Bailey - Student will be prohibited from carrying the device during the school day (5 day check-in/check-out) and Parent Contact.  *Student will be prohibited from carrying electronic device for a minimum of 5 days.
4th Step/Offense:  Call/email Coach Bailey - ODR & Parent Contact (Loss of electronic device until parent pick-up)(1 Day ISS)  *Student’s electronic device will remain locked up until parent picks-up device.

5th Step/Offense:  Call/email Coach Bailey - Parent Contact/Conference, ODR & 2 days ISS (Loss of Electronic Device while in ISS)    *Student’s electronic device will remain locked up until parent comes to pick it up.

6th Step/Offense:  Loss of Electronic Device for the remainder of the semester & ODR (3 days ISS)  *If student receives a violation during this period an ODR will be written for gross insubordination; (3 days ISS); Referral to District Intervention Committee