Promotion & Retention Reporting

Each student’s progression from one grade to another is determined, in part, upon satisfactory performance in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. No student may be assigned to a grade level based solely on age or other factors that constitute social promotion. F. S. 1008.25(6)(a)


Elementary School Promotion
Student progression from one grade to another must be determined by evaluating proficiency in reading, writing, science and mathematics.

Middle School Promotion
Students in grades 6-8 must pass required subjects to be promoted to the next grade.

High School Promotion
Student promotion in high school is based upon mastery of District approved subject areas or course objectives.


Students at all levels who not meet the requirements for promotion are subject to retention.

A student, whose reading deficiency is not remedied by the end of grade 3 and who does not demonstrate proficiency by scoring at Level 2 or higher on the Florida Standards Assessment in reading for grade 3, must be retained.  Students may be exempted from mandatory retention for good cause.

  1. Limited English proficient students who have had less than two years of instruction in an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program based on the initial date of entry into a school in the United States;
  2. Students with disabilities whose Individual Education Plan (IEP) indicates that participation in the statewide assessment program is not appropriate, consistent with the requirement of State Board of Education Rule;
  3. Students who demonstrate an acceptable level of performance on an alternative standardized reading assessment approved by the State Board of Education;
  4. Students who demonstrate, through a student portfolio, that they are reading at least Level 2 on the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA), as evidenced by demonstrating mastery of applicable state standards in reading 19;Refer to Academic Portfolio for Good Cause Exemption (#4)
  5. Students with disabilities who participate in the FSA and who have an IEP or a Section 504 Accommodation Plan that reflects that the student has received intensive remediation in reading and English Language Arts (ELA) for more than two years, but still demonstrates a deficiency and was previously retained in Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, or Grade 3;
  6. Students who have received intensive remediation in reading for two or more years but still demonstrate a deficiency in reading and who were previously retained in Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, or Grade 3, for a total of two years (A student may not be retained more than once in Grade 3.)

2023 Exemptions from Retention Report