Emergency Weather Related Procurement Procedures
The Superintendent may dispense with requirements for competitive solicitations for the emergency purchase of commodities or contractual services when the Superintendent determines in writing that an immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare or other substantial loss to the School District requires emergency action. After the Superintendent makes such a written determination, the School District may proceed with the procurement of commodities or contractual services necessitated by the immediate danger, without requesting competitive solicitations. However, such an emergency purchase shall be made by obtaining pricing information from at least two (2) prospective vendors, which must be retained in the contract file, unless the Superintendent determines in writing that the time required to obtain pricing information will increase the immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare or other substantial loss to the School District. Under these circumstances, the emergency item is placed, after the fact, on the first available Board meeting. Reference DOE Administrative Rule 6A-1.012(12)(e)
It will be the Purchasing Departments responsibility to ensure that the Maintenance Department has the necessary support in place for the procurement of commodities and/or services as necessary to “secure” District facilities from further damage and to start the recovery process of restoring District facilities to a functional condition. If Maintenance staff need to procure an item prior to, during, or after an emergency weather situation, the department representative shall utilize their assigned purchasing cards if the purchase falls within the established purchasing card limits. The Purchasing Department may issue emergency purchase orders to the Maintenance Department prior to any known emergency weather event for emergency purchases greater than the purchasing card limits or for situations where the vendor may not accept credit cards.
After the weather related emergency, the Maintenance Department will utilize vendors currently under contract with the District before using the services of non-bid vendors.