FLDOE Releases Assessment Scores

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Today, the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) released the remaining state assessment scores for 2021. In June, FLDOE released the 3rd grade Florida State Assessment (FSA) reading scores which showed Hernando's scores held steady despite the challenges of a school year disrupted by the pandemic. However, scores from other grade levels and subject areas, including End-of-Course (EOC) exams, did not show similar gains as from previous years. Across most tested areas, district scores reflected similar declines to statewide results.

In mathematics, scores in FSA Geometry, Grade 8 Algebra I, and Grade 7 FSA Math exceeded the state's averages along with Grades 9 and 8 showing solid results on the 9th grade FSA English Language Arts assessments. Grade 8 Science and Civics EOC scores also showed strong gains over the state's average scores.

"We were prepared to see a drop in scores. As educators, we know how difficult it is to improve learning gains while facing many disruptions to the instructional routine," said John Stratton, School Superintendent. "Administrators and teachers have well-developed lessons and refined best practices in place to help students master the standards. These assessment results reflect the critical importance of daily classroom instruction to the success of our students. Hopefully, we'll see a return to a normal routine this year."