
Exceptional Student Education Referral Process

Students who are suspected of having a disability may be referred for evaluation by:

  • teachers
  • parents
  • guidance counselors
  • administrators
  • psychologists, and
  • other school personnel

The person initiating the referral meets with the school's Student Support Team.

Students who are enrolled in a non-public school, agency program, or who are home schooled, may be referred for evaluations directly to the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) department. Usual referral procedures will be followed as closely as possible.  Non-public schools and agencies will be supplied with appropriate referral forms and procedures upon request.

Students ages 3 through 5, who are not enrolled in any school, may be referred through the Child Find Specialist at the Florida Diagnostics and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) when a disability is suspected.

The following Exceptional Student Education Evaluation & Determination of Eligibility Procedures Screenings are completed before a student bgins the evaluation process:

  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Speech and language

Parent permission is obtained before the student is evaluated.

Qualified examiners test the student to assist in determining the student's needs.

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) Committee meeting is held to review the test results and to determine whether the student is eligible for Exceptional Student Education (ESE).  If ESE eligibility is determined, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed by the IEP committee, of which the parent is an active member. At this meeting, the committee determines the most appropriate educational placement in the least restrictive environment.

At least once each year the Individual Education Plan Committee meets to review the student's progress and develop a new Individual Education Plan (IEP).