Parents & Student-Athletes

Parents/Guardians and Fans,
As we kick off another successful school year of Hernando School District Athletics, I wanted to remind everyone about the district’s spectator expectations and protocols. When followed, these expectations and protocols enhance the interscholastic experience for our students and ensures the safest environment for our student-athletes, coaches, referees, and our parents/guardians and fans.
Good sportsmanship is always the expectation for all spectators. Repetitive and/or egregious unsportsmanlike behavior can result in the stoppage of a contest. This behavior can and will result in the spectator(s) being removed from the event with the potential for the spectator(s) to be issued a trespass warning.
NO spectators are allowed into the locker room or competition areas. Spectators are prohibited from entering the playing surface before, during or after a game. Those who violate the rule will be removed and may be issued a trespass warning.
“Storming” the playing surface creates a dangerous situation for our student-athletes and coaches. The FHSAA will also fine schools for such behaviors. “Storming” of the playing surface at any time is prohibited.
Parents, fans, or spectators are not to confront a coach before, during or immediately after a contest or practice. Follow the “24 Hour Rule” and allow time to gather information and most importantly, for cooler heads to prevail. If there is an issue that needs to be addressed, please schedule an appointment with the coach the next day.
Spectators will have a maximum of 15 minutes following the conclusion of the contest to vacate the facility. An additional 15 minutes (for a total of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the contest) will be allotted for spectators to get transportation home. If obtaining transportation in a timely manner is a continuous problem, said spectators may not be allowed to attend after school games or competitions.
We appreciate your attention and cooperation with these spectator expectations and protocols. Our goal is always to provide the absolute best and safest experience possible for our student-athletes, coaches and fans, and with your help, we can achieve that.
Thank you for your continued support of the more than 3,900 student-athletes and 300 coaches here in the Hernando School District.
Dustin T. Kupcik, CAA
District Athletic Director
Hernando County School District