Action Plan-12th Grade

Review closely your Senior Action Plan

University Admissions: Know what you need to go.

Seniors, you have alot to do this year for college, financial aid etc. Use this checklist to help keep everything straight. Senior Action Plan.  

Seniors will also find this "Apply Yourself Florida" website helpful, please review.

Students interested in Air Conditioning, Automotive Applied, Certified Nursing Assistant, Cosmetology, Cyber Security, Life Insurance Marketing, Manufacturing or Welding careers, click here.

Be sure to complete your "Brag Sheet" here if you are requesting a letter of recommendation.

Please text your counselor once you have submitted your request so they may access your brag sheet to write your letter. Please expect atleast 2 weeks to receive a letter as they do require special time and attention.


When applying to colleges and universities, be sure that your name is the same on the following documents. 

  • Name on your Social Security Card

  • Name on your Springstead Transcript. If not, see Mrs. Rios in guidance.

  • Name on your PHSC transcript (if applicable). If not call PHSC to correct.

  • Name on your university/college application.

Once you've been accepted to college~LET US KNOW! CLICK HERE

Accepted into a university for the summer term?

If you are a graduating senior who has been accepted to a university for summer admission, please be advised that you will need to complete a FAFSA application for both the current school year and the last year.