Employment and Internship Opportunities

Employeers, please use this link to submit information about your company's employment and/or internship opportunities.

Students, please use this link to view employment and internship opportunities.

On-Going Employment and Internship Opportunities for Springstead Students.

Becoming a fire fighter in Hernando County

City of Brooksville: Internships in Information Technology, Public Information/Photography, Parks and Recreation

Department of Corrections-Women's Facility on Spring Hill Drive

Department of Corrections-Pasco County: Are you looking at getting paid to go to school and get college credits? This may be an option for you if you’re getting ready to graduate high school and are looking for a fulltime job and graduate with college credits. The Pasco County Corrections will send you to our Corrections Academy. While you’re in school for a short period of time, you’ll get paid $21.15 an hour and get the college credits you’re looking for. Once you graduate and take your state exam as a certified Officer then you’ll start out making $52,000 a year. This is a great opportunity especially if you know you need to work in order to pay your bills while still trying to go to college. The daily job duties of being a Corrections officer is counting inmates, conducting cell searches, maintaining order and structure in the jail. You must be 18 to start the Academy. If you’re looking at civilian jobs with the County jail then we also have options for you. If you’d like to find out more information than our Pasco County Recruiters will be available to speak with. 

Florida Department of Transportatio-Join our team (brochure)

Florida Department of Transportation-Professional Engineer Training Program

Hernando County Sheriffs Office: The HCSO is looking to hire high school graduates in an array of fileds, from IT, to communications, 911 dispatcher, to detention deputy and following the completion of a law enforcement academy they are looking to hire local graduates as Sheriff Officers. To learn more go to their webpage.

HCA Hospitals

Hernando County Schools: frequent open positions in Food and Nutrition, paraprofessionals, custodial positions

Kelly Sub Services- hiring substitute teachers. Adults age 18-22 will have the opportunity to sub at the K-8 level.

Maxim Healthcare Services-all levels of healthcare professionalsU

Career Source-Youth Programs

CareerSource Pasco Hernando offers a youth program designed to provide eligible 18-24 year olds with a variety of options to learn about career opportunities and to gain the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace. Valuable skills obtained through workshops, skills & abilities assessments, internships, job shadowing, industry tours, exposure to professional environments and short term occupational training, help to increase longā€term job prospects. Service Learning Projects are undertaken where youth play an active role in improving their community while learning the value of community service. Career exploration, resume development, interviewing skills, and labor market information are additional service strategies provided giving CareerSource Pasco Hernando youth an advantage in entering the world of work.


Q: How do I Apply?
A: Visit a Career Source Pasco Hernando office location near you or Apply Online.  

Once you click on apply now, you will be redirected to Log In.  You will enter your last name and Social Security Number.  (If you have not registered with our system, you will have to complete a registration form.  Once you have completed the registration form, you can then return to this section, click on Apply Online and you will be redirected to log in.)  Once you are logged in, you will be taken to the “Customer Dashboard” and you will select Youth Services in the green area.  You will be redirected to this page, click on Apply Online, view the Media (green button) and complete the online application. Completing the Registration does not mean you have applied.  You must view the media video and complete the program application.

Q: How Do I Qualify for the Program?
A: The program provides opportunities for out-of-school, Pasco or Hernando county youth, ages 18-24, with a barrier to employment (high school dropout, homeless, runaway, foster child, teen parent, offender, basic skills deficiency) Income restrictions may apply.  

Q: What kind of job will I get?
A: The one that’s right for you! In-depth career assessment and career exploration coupled with knowledge of the local labor market and a positive attitude are your keys to success. 

If you need further assistance or have trouble registering, please contact the Youth Specialist closest to the area in which you live:

Brooksville/Hernando County – Katie Stroman: Tel: 352-251-7164, Email: k.stroman@careersourcepascohernando.com