Make Up Work Policy
- MAKING UP WORK: Pages 42-43 of the HCSB Student Progression Plan
- A student shall be given the opportunity to make up work within two class meeting days per absence
upon their return. Excused Absence work will receive full credit. Unexcused absence work will receive full credit, up to 5 days per semester. Out of school suspension is considered an unexcused absence. However, the make-up work must be made up within two days of the when unexcused absence occurred. Also, the make-up rule does not apply when the work was assigned prior to the student’s absence. In such cases the test(s), project(s), etc. must be turned in immediately to the teacher when the student arrives on campus unless an extension of the time has been approved by the teacher or the principal due to extenuating circumstances. If the work is not made up within the time period granted, all zeroes will remain. If a student fails as a result of incomplete work, the report card shall reflect that the grade is based on incomplete work.
Attendance Notes
- To submit your notes to excuse an absence you can do one of the following, be sure each note has the student name clearly written, student ID number and dates to be excused.
- Drop off your note in the basket at the front office-where guests sign into campus.
- Email your notes to Donna Loughran at
- Fax notes to 352-797-7110 attention "Attendance Office: Donna Loughran
Gathering your Make Up Work
- Please refer to your class syllabus as this is where most teacher post how you can access your make up work. School Counselors have also asked teachers to put information regarding access to their make up work on this "Information about Accessing Make Up Work-Teacher Responses Spreadsheet.
- Keep in mind many teachers post work routinely on Microsoft Teams for to students to access in the instance they need make up work.
- To access Microsoft Teams, log into your ClassLink.
- You may email (or text your teachers on Band or Remind if they utilize one of these accounts) and communicate with them directly about your make up work. Teacher emails are available on our Springstead Staff Directory.
- Be sure to turn in your make up work with in the stated timelines above. Be cognizant that after your 5th unexcused absence, the teacher has no obligation to provide you make up work.