PHSC Dual Enrollment

Get ready and excited to begin your college career right now, while you are in high school.

YES, this is totally legit. 

Eligible high school students may take college classes at ANY PHSC campus or through PHSC online for FREE. 

This means you can get started earning your two-year Associates Degree in high school. When students start DE early enough in high school, usually no later than grade 11, semester 1, they have time to take enough DE college classes to graduate high school with their High School Diploma AND their Associates Degree. Of course, not every student takes DE with the goal of earning their Associates Degree by high school graduation. Some high school students just want to get started with college and that is awesome.  All of your college credits earned through Dual Enrollment will transfer to ANY Florida University (with very few exceptions, for example...some universities may want you to take their English Comp course even if you took DE English Comp, but these scenarios are few and far between.) When you take a DE class, it counts for BOTH your high school diploma requirements and your college degree. For example: DE English Comp will meet a high school English Class, DE Economics meets your high school Economics requirement and so on. 

If you are interested in Dual Enrollment, read about the eligibility information below and get into our office to see your school counselor (we are as excited as you are) and sign up to see Signia our PHSC DE Advisor.

PERT TEST INFO & Registration Link:

  • Students must score college ready on the ACT, SAT, CLT or PERT for Reading, Writing and Math**. 
  • Outside of this test administration, students will have to take the PERT test at Pasco-Hernando State College. Students must have a 3.00 cummulative unweighted gpa to be approved to take the PERT Test.
  • Visit our PERT Prep page to prepare. A moment of advice....the PERT test is "adaptive and diagnositic" which means as you answer the questions correctly, the questions get progressively harder. The harder the questions become, the better you are doing!! Your goal is to get the most difficult questions correct. 
  • For the 2024-2025 academic school year, we will have a Fall and Spring PERT test. Students who would like to PERT test between the Spring test date and summer, may make an appointment at a PHSC testing center. Students will need to bring a print out of their GPA, with a student or state id and $5.  Upon getting your scores, you will need to send or bring a copy to your school counselor.
  • PERT scores expire two years from the date they were taken unless the student successfully passes  English Comp 1 (for the reading a writing scores) or DE Intermediate Algebra or DE College Algebra (for the math score).
    • Deadline to register for the FALL test is to be determined: October 28th
    • Fall SHS PERT Test date: November 5th at 8:08 AM
    • Register Here

Understanding DE

Choosing your DE Classes


Signia Alagna is our PHSC DE advisor.     Email:       Phone: 352-340-4857

She can answer questions like: 

  • "What Associates Degree should I declare? An AA or an AS?" 
  • "What DE courses should I select based on my future major or degree?"
  • "What are the requirements for my college degree?"
  • All DE students should meet with Mrs. Alagna to select which DE classes you should take based on your future degree program or career.

Sign up here to speak with a DE Advisor

2024-2025 DE Advisor Meeting Dates for future or current DE students are as follows. 

  • 9/19/2024
  • 10/3/2024
  • 10/17/2024
  • 11/7/2024
  • 11/21/2024
  • 12/5/2024
  • 2/6/2025
  • 2/20/2025
  • 4/3/2025
  • 4/17/2025
  • 5/1/2025
  • 5/15/2025

**You must sign up above to meet with DE Advisor otherwise you will not be completely informed about DE at PHSC**  Students who choose not to participate in a DE advisory meeting are responsible for not knowing anything the should have known had they atteded their DE advisory meeting.  Explanations like, "I did not know" or "No one told me" are not accepted.

DE Advisory Meetings will be held in the SHS Guidance Office.

DE Eligibility Info Continued 

  • Students must have a cummulative unweighted GPA of 3.00.
  • Students must score college ready on the PERT, ACT or SAT Reading and Writing for initial limited eligibility** (no more than a total of 4 DE courses**) and earn College Ready test scores on the PERT, ACT or SAT Math for eligibility beyond 4 DE classes. 
  • Registration notes for specific grade levels:

    Ninth grade students who are eligible to take dual enrollment courses may enroll in a maximum of three (3) credit hours of courses offered online only by PHSC per semester. This is one DE class. Students may take classes in Fall, Spring or Summer. 

    Tenth grade students who are eligible to take dual enrollment classes may enroll in up to seven (7) hours offered on any PHSC campus, or online, per semester. This is no more than two DE classes. Students may take classes in Fall, Spring or Summer. 

    Eleventh grade students who are eligible to take dual enrollment courses can take courses on any PHSC campus or online, but may take no more than a maximum of sixteen (16) credits hours in fall and spring semesters (this usually equates to no more than 5 DE classes) and eight (8) credit hours in summer semester (two DE classes). Students may take classes in Fall, Spring or Summer. 

    Twelfth grade students who are eligible to take dual enrollment courses can take courses on any PHSC campus or online, but may take no more than a maximum of sixteen (16) credits hours in fall and spring semesters (this usually equates to no more than 5 DE classes) and eight (8) credit hours in summer semester (two DE classes). Students may take classes in any term available in fall and spring semesters, but only classes in Term III or IIIA in the summer semester.

College Ready Test Scores are:

PERT Reading-106  Writing-103  Math-114 Intermediate Alg   Math-123 for College Algebra. 

ACT College Ready Scores are: Reading-19 English-17 Math-19 for Intermediate Alg or Math-21 for College Alg. 

SAT College Ready Scores are: Reading-24, Writing-25 Math-26 for College Algebra Math-24 for Intermediate Algebra. 

Digital SAT College Ready Scores are: Reading-490 , Writing-490, Math-480 for Inrermediate Algebra, Math-520 for College Algebra

CLT College Ready Scores are: Reading/Writing: Sum of the Verbal Reasoning and Grammar/Writing Sections: 38-80, Quantitative Reasoning Section: 16-40 for Intermediate Algebra, Refer to PERT math score for College Algebra.

Spreedsheet of test scores, printable.

DE Application and Online Steps Click Here! 

  • There are a series of online steps that must be completed for students to participate in Dual Enrollment. Many of these steps have to be completed EVERY semester that you enroll in a DE class.  Use the link above to complete the online steps, which include:
    • an initial application-you complete this once
    • a student completes the "Dual Enrollment Online Request Form" - YOU DO THIS EVERY SEMESTER
    • a parent approval -YOU DO THIS EVERY SEMESTER
    • followed by a counselor approval-students do not do this
    • followed by PHSC advisor approval-students do not do this
    • a "New to DE" student orientation you must complete once online-not on the PHSC campus
    • an online readiness orientation you must complete once online
    • and the final step the actual registration- YOU DO THIS EVERY SEMESTER
    • Student who fail to complete a required step will have a registration hold placed on their accounts, meaning they will be unable to register for DE classes.

Dual Enrollment Important Dates:


Dual Enrollment Textbook Information:

PHSC Bobcat Portal

  • Register for your classes in the Bobcat Portal.
  • Wise Account Username is your social security number: WISE Account Pin is two digits for the day of your birth and last two digits of your birth year UNLESS you changed your pin to another 4 digit number. If you still need help with your pin please call 1-727-847-2727.     


  • You must log into your WISE account to get your myPHSC username and password. This username and password is required for step 4, the student DE request. Your myPHSC username and password will be in this format: myPHSC username: XXX#### and myPHSC password: Ph02#####                        

PHSC Navigate App

  • Stay informed about campus activities, clubs and events
  • Campus maps
  • Check final grades, financial aid and scholarships
  • Course descriptions and schedule
  • Navigate advisor from orientation to graduation
  • Register through WISE, and more!
  • More info on how to download here

Additional Resources:


  •  Often students ask us, "Which is better for university admissions AP/IB courses or DE?" 
    • We have been trying to get a clear answer on this from various institutions, and the feedback we have received is that "it depends..."
    • We have found that each institution views this differently. Some institutions will say "we view them all the same" while others will say they favor IB then AP over DE.
    • So for the answer to this question, please reach out to the undergraduate admissions office at any institution you may be considering attending.

PHSC to USF through the FUSE Program

  • FUSE is a transfer partnership between Pasco-Hernando State College (PHSC) and the University of South Florida (USF) that expands the traditional 2+2 agreement. FUSE participants are provided seamless and timely admission to select programs at USF by completing courses identified in the defined degree pathway that will apply toward the USF System Institution Bachelor’s degree.
  • Participants will benefit from dual academic advising from academic advisors at PHSC and USF, priority registration, guaranteed acceptance into USF bachelor’s program, opportunities to attend select events and workshops at USF.
  • The FUSE Program is open to first-time-in-college (FTIC) students who plan to matriculate to the University of South Florida in one of the following Bachelor of Science degree programs.
    • Muma College of Business- Accounting, Finance, Marketing
    • College of Arts and Sciences-English-Creative Writing,Psychology
    • College of Education-Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education
  • For more information, reach out to Mrs. Alagna, our DE advisor

Degree Program Requirements-All programs at all Florida Institutions

  • This link can help you select the classes required for your intended college degree.